Sunday, November 6, 2011

On the Origin of Rights

There is a common misconception plaguing America. This misconception is so radically dangerous to a free society that the very liberty that we hold dear is in danger. The belief I am speaking of is the belief that we get our rights from government and not from being human beings.

Each and every human being is entitled to natural rights. These rights are enshrined in our nation’s oldest document, the Declaration of Independence. That human beings are created with certain inalienable rights endowed to them by their creator, and that these rights are self-evident. If government elects not to prescribe to these guidelines than it is the right of the people to alter or abolish said government. It is important that the United States continue to follow the idea of natural rights.

When you state that you get your rights from government the government then has the authority to take those rights away. Would you feel comfortable with the government dictating what you can say, feel, and think? To deny human beings these rights is to degrade them to the level of animals. Humans are cognitive beings and deserve to be treated as such. To allow government to have the authority to take away rights is akin to leaving the barn door open and wondering why your hay isn’t there anymore. As a dear friend of mine used to say, "God gave you a brain so you can think, a mouth so you can speak, and eyes so you can see. Government cannot take these things from you and they must recognize them."

Liberty and freedom are not passed down from generation to generation but must be constantly secured by the vigilance of a well informed populous. I refuse to grant the government that kind of power and authority into my life. For the moment you believe you get your rights from the state and not from being an individual you no longer are an individual, a citizen, or a person. You are merely a subject and I would sooner die than degrade myself to the level of a subject.

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