Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Facts Behind the Curtain

President Obama thinks he has found the message to recruit young people back into his camp. He wants to prohibit Congress from raising the interest rates on Stafford loans, and judging by his performance last night on the Jimmy Fallon Show his message is landing. Young people like myself cannot be fooled by the smoke and mirrors trick the President is pulling on us.

This President has put America's youth in a predicament we as a country haven't seen in generations. America's college educated youth have no job market and limited opportunities. As more and more Americans are attending college and receiving degrees how can young people support a President whose policies have undoubtedly led us into a job market where our skills where be under utilized?

More young people than ever are moving back in with their parents. Half of all recent college graduates are unemployed or underemployed a statistic that frightens me as a graduating senior. These statistics can be traced back to the job killing regulations and policies crafted by a man elected on the backs of the youth.

Obama managed to get the youth vote out in record numbers in 2008. He's trying to blind them now by covering up his record and only showing further disregard for a deficit already out of control. Barack Obama has no desire to pay down the deficit or create an environment suitable for economic growth.

The only way to re-stabilize America's future is to give the new college graduate the ability to succeed. Without a new generation of entrepreneurs and job creators how will America replace the jobs lost in the recession of 2008? America's finest youth are in dead end jobs because of the Obama economy. We must have a president that is pro-growth, pro-free markets, and pro-economic liberty.

The GOP will need every vote to challenge the Obama machine. We must work to pull back the curtain of Stafford loan promises and introduce America's youth to the truth. President Obama is not your ally. In three plus years all he has done is taken the most precious of things from you. He's taken away your ability to succeed and secure the American Dream. It is now harder to start a business, harder to higher employees because of ObamaCare, and even harder still to compete in a tumultuous economy.

It is up to all of us to try to turn this country around. If young people continue not to recognize the source of their frustration they will always be a rubber stamp for the American Progressives. They will continually dig themselves further into a hole without knowing it. The rich and the fictional 1% will get the blame as the elites in Washington slow the economy down so we can be one of many and not exceptional.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Race and the Right

Between the National Review article and the tragedy of Trayvon Martin in Florida the perpetual myth of those on the political right as racists has reared its ugly head once more.

If you have been a conservative for longer than a day you've probably faced the calls of racist from your less informed liberal friends who wish to show you the "compassionate side" of their arguments. Today there seems to be more of this on the national scale and the push being made by prominent leftists is in no way grounded to historical facts. Allow me to set the record straight.

As a brief overview of our ideology we believe in natural rights as given to us by God. These rights have to be recognized by government for that government to be recognized as legitimate. It has been the march of those carrying the call enshrined in our Declaration of Independence to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness that sought to free the slaves, fight the Confederacy, and limit the government's restrictions on rights you receive because you have inherent worth as an individual.

Conservatives fight against the unhealthy growth of government. They recognize that government takes away the rights of individuals in order to expand its own power. With a government truly limited the rights of the individual are boundless. No man can keep another man as a slave and treat him as less than human.

It was the conservatives that pushed back government by defeating the Confederacy and freed the slaves by pushing back government and allowing their natural rights to take over. It was those who sought to expand the growth of government that created the Jim Crow Laws and looked to remove those rights once more.

The conservatives look to level the playing field so that the playing field is as equal as human beings can make it. Once government steps aside it is only man. Man may be flawed but he cannot in good conscience keep his fellow man down.

The media, which is spear-headed by leftists and progressives, will do anything it can to portray those on the right as being intolerant. They will attempt to showcase our policies as racist. It is up to those prominent members of the conservative movement to take this moment and showcase why racism is so inherently opposed to liberty and natural rights. Andrew Breitbart would have been salivating at the opportunity to beat back the firestorm created by prominent members of the media.

We need to come forward and nip these kinds of issues in the bud. Conservatism is directly inverse to racist policies. With a small government respectful of the rights you are born with racist policies are impossible. It was under the guise of "compassionate politics" that allowed government to restrict the rights of its citizens in the first place. In order for all men and women to be free government must be limited.

Conservative politics and racist policies clash at the most fundamental of levels. Racist policies grow the power of government and we will not stand for that. Point out this paradox to any leftist that dares to attack the right as racist. I bet it blows their minds.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Hero, A Pioneer, Goes Too Young

This morning I woke up and checked the Drudge Report like I do every morning before I head to class in an effort to be as updated on current events as possible. I was shocked to learn that conservative social media pioneer, Andrew Breitbart had passed away at the age of 43.

It is always a shock when an individual dies so young in today's society, but with Andrew it was an earthshaking bombshell. Everything Breitbart did was full of energy. He brought the fight to the liberal media every single minute of every single day. Andrew was all heart.

He grew to national prominence working with Matthew Drudge and the Drudge Report. He set up a list of "Big" sites and his website. He exposed the Representative Anthony Weiner sex scandal when the other members of the media ignored it. He then jumped up and spoke at Weiner's press conference for an I told you so moment. He wasn't going to be ignored the way the media ignores other prominent conservatives.

He never stepped away from a fight. He would "Retweet" all the vicious things liberals, progressives, and Democrats would send him. He was trying to expose the people who claimed to care for everyone had an evil side that never got exposed. He brought the fight to the media, the establishment, everyday folks, and anyone who has wronged the movement he loved so dearly.

Today, I lost a hero, the world lost a pioneer, the conservative movement lost a champion, and a bright fire was extinguished too soon. Andrew Breitbart represented what I always felt I was in a deep blue town. Defending conservative principles up against all odds and never shying from the fights teachers and fellow students launched against our beliefs.

We conservatives have so few prominent members with the fight that Andrew Breitbart had. We have so few members with half the fight Breitbart brought everyday. This is why this one hurts us so badly.

I will leave you with Breitbart's CPAC speech from this year.

RIP Andrew Breitbart (February 1, 1969 – March 1, 2012)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Your Rights Are Absolute

There has been a slow erosion of the natural rights and liberties that this country was founded upon. A death from a thousand individual cuts may quickly befall the greatest experiment of individual liberty that the world has ever seen. The culprit here is not just at the government level but also at the mental level. Too many of those amongst us are far too willing to surrender the rights that are bestowed upon us by our birth.

This has been a slow death march started during the Progressive Era where the idea that we must "progress" past the Constitution and move on toward the more "forward-thinking Old World." That the "rights" of the class far outweigh the rights of the individual. At the birth of this nation the people were sovereign, we have since moved toward a republic where the needs of the many are more pressing than individual liberty.

We have allowed government and culture to dictate what rights have become acceptable and what ones should be dealt away with. We have become a society that after a small uproar has elected to live with being strip searched in the public domain. The use of body scanners and TSA searches have become the writs of assistance of our time. The government along with the supporters of security at all costs have made us "progress" past our fear of unreasonable search and seizure.

These individuals have attacked the first amendment on multiple fronts. We've seen recently that the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare for short) will force religious groups to provide healthcare insurance that provides for contraceptives. Government is attempting to coerce religion in a way that violates the conscious of the institution.

The United States of America now has "Free Speech Zones" when a prominent political figures deliver remarks. It may just be the America I thought we lived in but I thought this entire nation was a free speech zone. The First Amendment grants us this privilege. This is another natural right that is under attack by the culture as well. The growing political correctness and hypersensitivity of this country threatens what we can say and our mindset more than our government ever could.

We've been born with everything we need to exercise our natural rights and liberties. We've been given a mind of our own so we are guaranteed freedom of conscious. We've been given a mouth to speak our minds. We've been given eyes to see the truth. We've been given all the facets necessary to succeed.

The last thing we need to succeed is to reverse the tide of statist outreach. We must not be afraid to push against the tide. Speak your mind. Defend your religion. Have a free mind and conscious. We must reclaim the natural rights and liberties from our government. They are rightfully ours after all.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

How The Base Can Have It All

Ever since the Republican field for the Presidency solidified a plurality of voters have been dissatisfied with the individuals running. The base has been teased only to be let down by the likes of Mitch Daniels, Chris Christie, and Paul Ryan amongst others. The violent roller coaster of highs and lows for the candidates can be attributed to the desire for a conservative candidate to run against President Obama and the undying unpopularity of Mitt Romney.

The GOP Primary has been hectic and has provided us with three separate candidates winning primaries and a fourth is consistently putting a scare in open primaries and caucuses. With the Santorum Trifecta of the past week, Ron Paul came close to getting off the schnide in Maine, Newt Gingrich campaigning hard in Super Tuesday states, and the Mitt Romney money machine we could have a shot at something special.

For the first time since 1976 the Republican Party could have a brokered convention because not one candidate will have the necessary majority to win on the first ballot. Now states decide how many ballots have to occur before a delegate is free to vote for other candidates. This typically lasts until the third ballot. This could open up the opportunity to draft someone new into the field.

I'm going to borrow a couple of phrases here from Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. If you are unsatisfied with the current group of candidates and you don't like their odds against President Obama rage against the machine. Annoy the establishment and keep the process going all the way until Tampa.

We found out last year that Operation Chaos may have helped Obama. The longer the primary drew out the better prepared these candidates were for the general election. Why not try this strategy this time through? What can we lose by trying this? Maybe we'll have to get by with the field that hasn't inspired us. Or maybe we can draw a new face into the fray that inspires the base the way George Bush did instead of the way John McCain did.

Just remember the old adage about getting everything you want.

Friday, January 27, 2012

National School Choice Week

We have the freedom to choose where we shop. We have the freedom to choose where we eat. We are not restricted by our residence to perform our day-to-day tasks. Since this is inherently true, why do we allow our children to be restricted by the state? Why do we choose to have a top-down education system? Are we applying the tools that made this nation an economic force?

Since 1979, the federal Department of Education has been nothing but an abysmal failure. In 2001, President Bush brought a gas can to the inferno and exacerbated the problem with the No Child Left Behind Act. It's tentacles have nullified the Tenth Amendment and the rights of states and communities to organize their own educational structure. A federal mandate for education is just as unconstitutional and frightening as the individual mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare for shorthand).

The federal government should not dictate what should be taught in schools in individual states and communities. It creates a culture of teaching toward a test and only the test. It forces teachers to alter lesson plans and delay the advancement of the classes. It is because of this teach toward the test culture that students do not have the appreciation for math and science as they once had. They are taught "know this for a standardized test" as opposed to "know this for personal benefit." The test culture forced upon us by the federal government has harmed a generation.

The current primary school system in use by the states does not improve matters either. The policy of "This is your zip code, this is your school." Denies the parents and the children of their fundamental right to choose. Where you reside should not dictate your future. With public schools failing in Detroit, Camden, and other urban areas can we sit here with good conscious and continue to feed the failing schools with our future? We are dooming these children from the start. The drop-out rates in these cities should not come as a surprise. The system is broken and we're choosing to ignore it.

By continuing on with the status quo we are denying the children of these areas two of the three fundamental natural rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The free-market solutions that have brought this country to the forefront of the world should be applied to this controlled market system.

The idea of the student voucher was brought to prominence by renowned economist and political philosopher Milton Friedman. The belief of returning the money to the "student-consumer"would give the parents and students the freedom to choose. This freedom in turn drives the school marketplace. The schools with bad reputations and bad graduation rates, with poor teachers will be shut down by the parents and students. Just like a bad business will fail (as long as you aren't in the automotive industry) a bad school will fail. In this country we seem to be immune to the idea of the "bad school." Like we couldn't possibly have them in this country. It's a shame but we do.

In the marketplace competition breeds success and innovation. The government breeds complacency and keeping in place a system regardless of merit. The system needs a shake up.

This week is more than just the voucher system. It should be for school choice, educational choice, and a free and open education system. No more controlled markets. More freedom.

Since our inception as a nation we have been terrified of the over-reaching hand of government. Where other countries dictated the rights of government in their constitutions ours began with the phrase "We the People." It's time we recognize the threat of government mandates across the board. It's time we push the federal government and state government to return the future to families. The ultimate form of the government closest to the people governs best.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Romney Has Lost Aura of Inevitability

We were told that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney had too much money. He had been running non-stop for six years. He has the organization. He appeals to the center and that this time he really did believe what he was saying. The media tried to force feed the Republicans Mitt Romney and so far the unbeatable Romney is looking more Titanic than Mayflower.

This week Governor Romney found out he didn't really win Iowa as he initially believed. He went from a historic opening round knock out to a second place finish behind former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum after all the votes were officially tallied.

He then had two debates this week that were no where near his usual polished and rehearsed self. He reverted back to 2007/2008 Mitt. Uncomfortable under attack. We've seen that in his answers regarding his tax record being released. He has the last three "anti-Romneys" going after him the way spectators expected Governor Pawlenty, and the previous "anti-Romneys" to go after him. The attacks on Romney are coming out quicker than Governor Perry shoots coyotes.

Even the highlight of Romney's week the endorsement from former ambassador and former Utah Governor John Huntsman was marred by Huntsman effectively calling Romney a "A Perfectly Lubricated Weather Vane On The Important Issues Of The Day." He certainly did not give the glowing testament to Romney the way Perry spoke of Gingrich like a shepard bringing a sheep back into the flock.

Now we sit here today, on the South Carolina Primary. The first in the south. Gingrich appears to have more last second momentum than Santorum did in the moments preceding the Iowa Caucus. He could well run away with South Carolina. We will have to see if he can translate the victory in South Carolina into momentum going into Florida. He'll have ten days to chip into a remarkable Romney lead in the Sunshine State.

Mitt Romney will very likely be heading into the January 31st primary with an unremarkable 1-2 record. The best he can hope for is a split in the first four states. Many pundits and analysts had him losing Iowa and that was it. We are looking at a long primary season my friends. Three of the four remaining candidates will have won a primary. This has all the making of a knockdown, drag out fight. This time every primary and caucus will count.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Scranton Showcases Progressive Bias

I originally planned for this to be a letter to the editor to my local papers following my Catholic Jesuit University inviting a woman who had devoted her life to the pro-choice movement to hold a seminar on our campus. While the seminar was to get more women involved in politics (an idea anyone would support) the leader of this forum used to run a PAC devoted to running pro-choice women for Congress. I encourage you to look up her record. This move showed the University's commitment to progressivism. A microcosm of what conservative youth faces in the American education system. Especially in higher education.

The University of Scranton has caused a great uproar after refusing Bishop Joseph Bambera’s request to separate themselves from former Congresswoman Marjorie Margolies who operated a Political Action Committee dedicated to running pro-choice women for Congress. Scranton has allowed her to host a forum on getting women to run for office.

Normally when a University engages in academic freedom and has a discussion about normally taboo subjects I would be thrilled. it gets youth involved in politics when you discuss hot-button issues such as abortion. Unfortunately, I am far too close to this university to be enthralled with it’s decision to invite Congresswoman Cto our campus.

You see for the past three semesters I have been blessed to be the University of Scranton College Republicans President. For the previous year and a half I have been fighting not just to spread the word of limited government, but to get young people more involved in politics regardless of political ideology. During my stint at this institution I can tell you the bias against conservatism in higher education is real and showcased by the school’s current actions.

During my tenure as College Republican President I have had several events cancelled or have been unable to host events because the school was afraid they would be seen as favoring a particular ideology. I had to fight tooth and nail and refuse to take no as answer when we wanted to host then Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta in 2010. Congressman Barletta received a 100% from the Right to Life Committee for his freshman term. The University last year informed me my request to participate in a video conference with Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann as a “Get Out the Vote” rally had been denied because of timing issues. The list goes on.

Today it appears as though the University no longer cares about being seen as an institution that favors a certain ideology. I could have dealt with the previous grievances as just typical of higher education toward the conservative ideology. This is so blatant I felt I needed to showcase the long standing bias I have experienced at this University so people can recognize the history.

The University of Scranton is trying to hide from Congresswoman Margolies past by billing this as a teaching event devoid of partisan politics. I for one will not fall for it. With her past affiliations and record neither should you. If Wayne LaPierre, the head of the NRA was holding a forum on gun rights would we believe his bias would be evident? If Ambassador John Bolton was holding a forum on diplomacy would we believe his past positions would not affect the forum?

After a year and a half struggle of me doing everything I can to promote right-wing candidates and being forced to cancel events, hold events in secret, and being denied opportunities I can say I am not shocked at our school's decision to promote leftist ideals that contradict established Church teachings and opinions.

This is just a microcosm of the factors afflicting young conservative students in higher education. If the accepted teachings of the Catholic Church on abortion and the pro-life movement are under attack at a Catholic institution where is it safe in academics to be a conservative?