Sunday, February 12, 2012

How The Base Can Have It All

Ever since the Republican field for the Presidency solidified a plurality of voters have been dissatisfied with the individuals running. The base has been teased only to be let down by the likes of Mitch Daniels, Chris Christie, and Paul Ryan amongst others. The violent roller coaster of highs and lows for the candidates can be attributed to the desire for a conservative candidate to run against President Obama and the undying unpopularity of Mitt Romney.

The GOP Primary has been hectic and has provided us with three separate candidates winning primaries and a fourth is consistently putting a scare in open primaries and caucuses. With the Santorum Trifecta of the past week, Ron Paul came close to getting off the schnide in Maine, Newt Gingrich campaigning hard in Super Tuesday states, and the Mitt Romney money machine we could have a shot at something special.

For the first time since 1976 the Republican Party could have a brokered convention because not one candidate will have the necessary majority to win on the first ballot. Now states decide how many ballots have to occur before a delegate is free to vote for other candidates. This typically lasts until the third ballot. This could open up the opportunity to draft someone new into the field.

I'm going to borrow a couple of phrases here from Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. If you are unsatisfied with the current group of candidates and you don't like their odds against President Obama rage against the machine. Annoy the establishment and keep the process going all the way until Tampa.

We found out last year that Operation Chaos may have helped Obama. The longer the primary drew out the better prepared these candidates were for the general election. Why not try this strategy this time through? What can we lose by trying this? Maybe we'll have to get by with the field that hasn't inspired us. Or maybe we can draw a new face into the fray that inspires the base the way George Bush did instead of the way John McCain did.

Just remember the old adage about getting everything you want.

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