Sunday, April 8, 2012

Race and the Right

Between the National Review article and the tragedy of Trayvon Martin in Florida the perpetual myth of those on the political right as racists has reared its ugly head once more.

If you have been a conservative for longer than a day you've probably faced the calls of racist from your less informed liberal friends who wish to show you the "compassionate side" of their arguments. Today there seems to be more of this on the national scale and the push being made by prominent leftists is in no way grounded to historical facts. Allow me to set the record straight.

As a brief overview of our ideology we believe in natural rights as given to us by God. These rights have to be recognized by government for that government to be recognized as legitimate. It has been the march of those carrying the call enshrined in our Declaration of Independence to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness that sought to free the slaves, fight the Confederacy, and limit the government's restrictions on rights you receive because you have inherent worth as an individual.

Conservatives fight against the unhealthy growth of government. They recognize that government takes away the rights of individuals in order to expand its own power. With a government truly limited the rights of the individual are boundless. No man can keep another man as a slave and treat him as less than human.

It was the conservatives that pushed back government by defeating the Confederacy and freed the slaves by pushing back government and allowing their natural rights to take over. It was those who sought to expand the growth of government that created the Jim Crow Laws and looked to remove those rights once more.

The conservatives look to level the playing field so that the playing field is as equal as human beings can make it. Once government steps aside it is only man. Man may be flawed but he cannot in good conscience keep his fellow man down.

The media, which is spear-headed by leftists and progressives, will do anything it can to portray those on the right as being intolerant. They will attempt to showcase our policies as racist. It is up to those prominent members of the conservative movement to take this moment and showcase why racism is so inherently opposed to liberty and natural rights. Andrew Breitbart would have been salivating at the opportunity to beat back the firestorm created by prominent members of the media.

We need to come forward and nip these kinds of issues in the bud. Conservatism is directly inverse to racist policies. With a small government respectful of the rights you are born with racist policies are impossible. It was under the guise of "compassionate politics" that allowed government to restrict the rights of its citizens in the first place. In order for all men and women to be free government must be limited.

Conservative politics and racist policies clash at the most fundamental of levels. Racist policies grow the power of government and we will not stand for that. Point out this paradox to any leftist that dares to attack the right as racist. I bet it blows their minds.

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